Diagnosis can be a blessing in disguise.
Hello friends & family, Some of you may not know but 3 weeks ago I was diagnosed with An autoimmune disease called “PSA or...
Strength For A Cheerful Thankful Heart
Proverbs 15:15- the cheerful heart has a continual feast. Philippians 4:12-13- I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to...
God did not disappoint
God did not disappoint One year and two months after I first blogged about Ireland; 4 ½ years after I first journaled about my desire to...
Another successful year at Joni & Friends
We had such an amazing time. God is so good. Thanks to everyone for all your prayers. I truly felt them and no migraines this year! our...
Operation Ireland spread the Good News
Yesterday was one of those days that I kept dreaming about my plans to travel to Ireland. You may remember a blog post I did back in...
Is Rest A Bad Word?
Sometimes I can feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders and rest is just something that isn’t possible. I have no doubts...
What do we really know?
How many times have you heard preachers or people speak about the absolutes that “God has a plan for each of our lives?” Me a lot; and...
Free document/words to change your Life.
This morning I decided to laminate my favorite verses so that I can carry them wherever I go. My old paper that has been updated several...
Tough Day Relief
We all have those days and sometimes weeks when it seems everything that can go wrong does. I have been experiencing that ever since I...
A Walk through time.
Thought I'd dig into the archives and pull out some old history for fun. Enjoy. Brenda and Debbie Debbie and Brenda Mike, Debbie, Brenda...