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God did not disappoint

God did not disappoint

One year and two months after I first blogged about Ireland; 4 ½ years after I first journaled about my desire to visit Ireland and a lifetime of dreams later God provided a way for me to go.

He also one-upped my dreams by making it possible for my best friend from childhood to go with me.

I am so grateful to God for this trip and for Pam being willing and able to go with me.

A big thanks to Bob her husband of over 31 years. Let's face it not many husbands would be so understanding and allow their wives to go traipsing off on a journey to another county with their childhood friend.

Pam and I spent our mornings in devotionals and prayer. We know the value of bringing God into your day before you head out to do anything. In our case, it was either work or sightseeing depending on the day.

Our evenings we spent getting out to meet with the locals and learn more about them and their culture.

After about a week I really started wondering if it was me or God who wanted me to come here.

I didn't feel like I had been used by God. I had enjoyed the beauty and historic sites of this great country.

Pam and I were having a ball. I had tried to share Jesus a time or two but was cut off at the knees very quickly. (You will read more of this in my next book)

I felt like I wasn't really making a difference to these people.

The very day those thoughts came into my mind God provided the answer very clearly.

Praise God for loving us so much He rescues us when we need it most! Truly!

While sitting and speaking to one of the locals who we'd met the night before it became very apparent why we were here.

He was chatting with me and out of the blue said. "You're in Ireland. You must have an Irish affair with me" after I got over my shock at his bluntness and matter of fact statement I said very quickly "I'm a Jesus girl".

I will tell you I have never before used this response or wording in this situation.

I normally say.." Thank you but I'm a Christian and I follow Christian values but thank you for the flattery." and excuse myself.

One thing you may not know is that in Ireland you're either Catholic or Protestant and not many folks are either.

So baby's milk is required. He totally understood Jesus name and looked right at me and said: "you know Jesus?"

He actually was taken back by my response. No one here we found ever talks about Jesus except us.

I said yes and because of what He has sacrificed for me I honor Him with my life and body.

From that moment on he was interested not in me, but in knowing more about God. He grabbed my arm and said, "follow me, outside where we can talk, I have questions about God."

I looked at Pam and said "Don't leave me, you have to go with me. She did of course and would have even if I hadn't ask.

We didn't know what to expect when we got into the courtyard known better as the beer garden.

He told me he had gone to the priest in town and ask for help with his drinking and about God.

He was told to go do some penance and God would find him and all would be well.

He said through tear streaming eyes. All is not well. I can't do this on my own. I drink too much and I'm sad.

I put my arm around him and started telling him about Jesus and His love for us and him. Again very simple plain English. God loves you, me and Pam.

Only with Jesus in our lives can we change. This led me to break down John 3:16 and all God did for us out of His amazing love, wanting to reconcile us to Him.

Trust me. I give God all the glory here. This was the Holy Spirit moving through me. This situation was all new territory for all of us. In the states, most people have at least heard the salvation plan or know who God is.

Pam and I knew at that moment, this is why God had brought us here. We prayed and cried together that night out in the beer garden.

He invited us to hear him sing the next night at a local playhouse. We said we'd be there and we did.

We went home that night and prayed together for this dear man and thanked God for allowing us to share Jesus.

I then called my sister (Debbie) and ask her to pray for us and for this man. I know she did. We felt it.

We were on a big-time Jesus high and knew our travel and trip was truly blessed. This gave us even more confidence to keep on going.

This was the beginning of people starting to open up to us in this wonderful little village. News travels fast.

What we didn't know at the time was this man was the son of a very famous playwright and his father had written the most famous Irish song of all time. He was a legend and also owned most of the village down the road.

His son was struggling to find his own identity and his place in this world. He had turned to drink due to finding nothing else that helped him cope in the shadows.

I pray for this dear man every day. I know what it feels like to feel invisible or not measure up.

Seeds were planted and I know God will continue to water them even with us long gone.

We met a lot of other folks in this town that God put in our way after that. People seemed to open up more and want to share and know us more.

I had planned on leaving a book for the local library but God had other plans.

I shared my books and a track from BSF (Bible study fellowship) tucked inside each of them. God picked them and placed them right in front of us. All books were gone in 2 days from this night. All handpicked by God. None were Christians.

They will read it because they know us. They will find God in the scriptures because they are alive and active. Of this, I have no doubts.

Each dear person God put directly in our path and opened the way for the conversation. Each very different, each searching in a different way. None knowing who Jesus was.

We didn't have to be bible scholars, we just had to be available.

We had prayed daily "God here we are, use us" and He did.

I tell you this to encourage you. Be a friend to someone, pray for them, trust God to open the door and give you the words.

You don't have to be a bible scholar to tell your story. No one knows it as well as you do.

Keep it simple. Billy Graham always said.

"With John 3:16 God can save the world." I preach the same sermon over and over and they keep coming to Christ. What an amazing man of God and example he was and is for all of us.

Keep it simple, be yourself and trust God and then obey.

If I had started out trying to prove my knowledge of the bible they would have shut me out.

It would have been too much, too over their heads.

They saw us as two lifelong friends who love people and really care about what others think and say. They saw us pray over meals and knew God was important to us.

They saw two women who couldn't stop smiling and telling them how blessed they were to live here. They were amazed we had known each other all our lives and live so far apart, but still remain close.

We told them it was simple. We grew up in church together. We have God as our glue as well as too many other secrets never to be revealed. Hee.hee.

People want to talk to real people. Not someone who has all the answers or think they are better or smarter than everyone else.

Were just a couple of mutts that God chose to send out on a mission of love and comfort.

We literally smiled all the time. If you know Pam you know this is just her nature. But it's contagious and truly one of her gifts. Together we were stronger.

Even when tired and covered in paint and dust from working with no makeup on we were laughing with the paint store guys and their customer's daily.

We loved both the grocery store men across the street. One at the North end and one at the South end. We had to split time to go into each one and say HI. In Small villages, you can't play favorites. (Especially when you're the only Yank Lasses in the village) Everyone knows you and where you go or have been.

They still nightly would ask us. Where did you go today? What did you discover?

We felt at home here. We fell in love with the people of Moville.

What we didn't force or even see coming God knew. Without a doubt, He had gone before us and set the stage. We just had to be willing to participate. Are you?

James 2:26- As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

Psalm 18:30- As for God, His way is perfect; the Lord's word is flawless; He shields all who take refuge in Him.

Isaiah 6:8- Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying" whom, shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, "here and I, send me".

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