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Is Rest A Bad Word?

Sometimes I can feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders and rest is just something that isn’t possible. I have no doubts you know exactly what I’m talking about and have been there too.

You see I’m a doer, a fixer by nature and I’ve always worked. Always high pressure jobs with little time to rest.

The evil ones tries to make me feel like “If I’m not working outside of my home going 90 to nothing. I’m being lazy and wasting my talents.” I know at this point in my life God called me to this place for several reason.

1. To write my first book and blog. (done & Doing)

2. Take care of my granddaughter (bi weekly)

3. Write my second book (working on)

4. Increase my time with Him in His word (daily)

5. Serve others. Volunteering more for Him.

Most days, I don’t have time to stop and even think. It’s on those off weeks when I’m trying to catch up on my stuff that the evil one can be found lurking.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying be lazy and never do anything. That’s not what this is about. It’s about not feeling guilty when God gives you time to do the things you enjoy and he wants you to do. We may not put much importance on the small things, but He does.

Stay at home moms have the hardest and most important jobs of all. They may not get a lot of accolades here on earth; but raising up honest, kind, God fearing children is a blessing. They don’t receive a paycheck on earth, but trust me, they are ahead of most of us in heaven.

Sometimes I feel less or that I should be doing more. Our society tells us it’s all about earning the big bucks. Work hard, play hard. That’s how I used to live. It can be hard to slow down and do what He wants me to do. What He has called me to do. Fear can set in and the burdens start weighing me down fast.

I don’t always hear Gods small voice speaking. Most times it’s through scripture or a song that gets my attention and brings me back to His way of thinking. Trust me, left to my own devices I’d be a big mess. I need my Shepard’s hook around my neck, pulling me back.

I woke up thinking about the things I needed to do and the direction I felt my life needed to go. I was placing little importance on the things above that I know he’s called me too. I felt they weren’t enough. I wasn’t earning enough. Matthew 11:28- Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

This was my verse of the day. My Alexa good morning scripture. Then I felt Jesus lean in and say: “why are you caring my load? Did I ask you too? Do I expect you too? Why doubt the things I’ve called you too? When did rest become a dirty word?

I had to lay down my burdens and Trust in what God has called me too at this time and place in my life. It’s not an accident, it’s for a reason. I feel time is very short and He’s called me to help get as much scripture out as possible to His people.

As I went into my morning studies, every single verse was on rest in Jesus arms.

We plant, He waters. He carries the burdens we aren’t capable of.

God has given me this time with my granddaughter to teach her to love the scriptures, how to study and pray. We make cards for the sick and birthdays for our loved ones and people in our church. This is a mission (serving) we do together. For this precious time I am so grateful.

So then why on my off week when I’m doing my things like laundry, gardening, working on my 2nd book and updating my blog do I feel less productive?

Simple, because the evil one doesn’t want me doing these things in peace. He doesn’t want me to rest and enjoy my life. He’s the giver of doubts, fears and confusion.

He (the evil one) would prefer to have me tired and worn out all the time. Doubting myself, doubting God and no good to anyone. We all know how our attitudes get when we’re tired. If you’re like me you’re no good to anyone and I know my witness can take a beating in the form of my tired mouth. It tends to go before me and be sharper when my body, mind are low. I love my granddaughter dearly and she is so precious to me. However I also appriacte my off week to get things done and rest. I am not quite 21 anymore. Shock. Shock.. I know..

So how did God encourage me? He gave me a devotional today about journeys and taking stock of how high you are on the mountain. You might be surprised at how high you are. If you’re not. Then that’s another ball of yarn you need to unravel and view your climb.

So I took a long look at where I used to be 3-5 years ago vs where God has me now. (My journals helped greatly here).

In my working days I hated my phone and dreaded answering it most of the time. I was stressed beyond belief and never had enough hours in the day to do what I had to do. I had little time for volunteering and was doing about one night a quarter.

I hardly ever saw my family and traveled way too much. I was on four different medications for everything from migraines, sleep apnea to acid reflux. I had money but no life. (This is what my second book is about)

Now, I am no longer on three of my medications and my health is amazing. Migraines are under control. I am present for my family and enjoying time I never had before. I spend every single morning with God and just finished two more nightly courses at church and BSF. My second book is coming and I try to update my blog every other week.

I love nonprofit (Christian) volunteering and do it on a regular basis. I have peace most every single day and sleep better than ever. God is my CEO teaching me, mentoring me and directing my path. I feel like Mary sometimes asking God to please not take this time away from me. It’s so precious to me.(I will tell you; the lack of control and leaning solely on God is only possible with God) Does this mean no trouble will befall me? No way! It means I have a helper to guide me and give me peace in dealing with whatever comes my way.

I can honestly say I would not take one single day of my life now for my former life. . God is so good, so patent and an amazing teacher, healer and provider.

In my studies this morning I was reminded what real stress is and how others handled it with Grace and faith.

Think of Daniel. He could have really stressed about it situation. It really was life or death. He trusted God and God took care of Him. Gave him the wisdom, words and faith he needed just when he needed it. Not before or after. But right when it was needed.

Daniel taught me to always have faith and never bow to any other Gods even when faced with roaring lions.

David over and over screwed up; but he always sought God’s face and forgiveness. He always trusted God in every single dilemma.

He had many life and death situations. But God prevailed for Him every single time. God’s grace and Mercy never run out.

Thank you David for showing me that no matter how bad I mess up; God’s grace is greater.

Ester saved her people and very easily could have lost her head. She trusted in God and her people (the Jews) were saved and she became Queen.

Queen Ester taught me don’t limit God just because you can’t see the forest for the crown.

When you put things into perspective it sort of makes my worries and burdens seem pretty small.

I bet yours are too.

I can’t think of a time my life was ever in danger. Praise the Lord.

So I’ll keep listening to my God and trusting in his guidance as those who’ve gone before me have done so graciously. After all he does already know the plans he has for me. They were set up before I was born. So why should I worry about it? My job is to follow my Shepard and enjoy His rest while He carries my burdens.

Hebrews 4:1- Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us be careful that none of us be found to have fallen short of it.

Psalm 55:6- I said, “Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.

Mark 6:31- Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.

”Enjoy this day, the day the Lord has made and rejoice in it. You may not have tomorrow. J

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