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Blessed Delays

Isaiah 43:19- Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; I will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

With every New Year I like to go back and reflect a bit on the previous year.

What was I thinking? What was I looking forward to? What was I asking God for? Who was I praying for?

In doing this I go back to my journal and see what I was thinking at the close of 2016 and beginning of Jan. 2017.

If you don’t journal I highly recommend you start. It’s amazing what you discover about yourself and the treads of your life.

I was amazed at my scripture for Dec. 31, 2016. It is the same one that spoke to me Jan. 1, 2018.Isaiah 43:19 (above)

So Ok same scripture (that was amusing) but what did I see in it? What were my reflections?

In December of 2016 I was really upset that my book had once again been stalled and I was getting the runaround from the publisher. It was supposed to be out mid-November and here it was the end of the year and no updates and total silence from the publisher. I was ready for my new streams in desert to be fulfilled. I’d had enough of the wilderness and I was looking full steam ahead for my road to be completed.

I chose to trust in God and keep my fears at bay. Yes easier said than done, I know. But Faith is not always seeing but believing despite the lack of insight on my part. And that P word we all despise (Patience) was ever looming and documented.

I had to make a concise effort to choose to continue believing it would work out the way the Lord wanted it too. I quoted many scriptures of hope and God’s timing.

My Prayer that day was: Lord, I don’t understand all this delay. I know you’ve called me to write this book and I know you have plans for me. Help me understand what is going on and why things keep stalling. The VP of the company just left and no one is telling me anything. I have a very bad feeling about all of this, but I chose to trust in You O God and not in the things I don’t understand. Your will be done O Lord, not mine. Amen.

I felt disheartened in the stall to my new beginning. I had visions of people reading God’s word in my book and coming to know Him personally. I knew His word would speak louder than mine. Why would He delay me getting His own Scripture Out? My personal salvation story out? These are the questions I wrote out.

What I didn’t know at that time and totally understand now. (Hindsight) God’s protective hand was over me in the delay. He was working for my good even if I couldn’t see it.

My job was to: Listen, trust, obey and yes have patience.

As most of you know, my publisher went out of business and was actually indicted on several criminal charges. My book if it had been published on time would have been held up in courts and I would have had to fight for the rights to my own manuscript.All the pre-sold books would never have been shipped and folks would have lost their money.

The waiting and not getting what I wanted at the time I wanted it, was actually a great blessing.

I have clean rights to my book and it was released in May 2017. Six months after it was promised. With a fresh name and new cover and God has blessed it.

I have seen many answered prayers in 2017 and yes I still have some that are on the waiting list. When I start to worry about God’s timing, I’m quick to remember His timing is always better than mine. He always has a good reason for the delays in our prayers. It doesn’t mean He isn’t listening it means it’s not the right time. He’s always working in the background for our good. He doesn’t have to wait on hindsight like we do. He’s see’s all and knows all every minute of every day.

I am so excited to experience all the new roads in the wilderness he’ll create for me in this New Year. I hope you too have some amazing dreams you are lifting up to our God and excited about the future. Our future is bright and sure if you know the Lord. If you don’t or have questions, please email me. We’ll chat. My favorite subject is how great our Lord and Savior is. Let’s look forward with Hope, Joy and Love in the New Year and behold the new things that are getting ready to spring forth.

I know in my heart that 2018 will be a blessed year. I’m excited to learn more about my God and continue to spread His word and love to all who will listen. I pray you will too.

Psalm 73:28- But as for me, how good is it to be near God! I have made the sovereign Lord my shelter, I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do.

Blessings, Brenda

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